Welcome to Tame Your Brain® Academy

Members access to live monthly sessions, and resources and training.

About Tame Your Brain®

Welcome to Tame Your Brain® with Dr Libby Kemkaran.

I am an International Coach and TEDx Speaker and I've helped 1000's of clients around the world massively increase their success in business, and align their personal lives.


Why You Should Join Tame Your Brain® Academy

The Tame Your Brain® Academy is where all my mindset content, strategy and training is available for Academy Members.

Tame Your Brain® Academy members have access to everything below.

For only $77/month:

  • Access to all my paid for training sessions on the neuroscience of success and the strategy of online business growth. 
  • Access to all my documents and workbooks (usually only available to course members)
  • My "90-second neurohacks" - a collection of short videos to help you overcome stressful situations when they arise
  • One LIVE group Subconscious Coding Therapy (SCT) session with me each month
  • Private group spaces to chat and interact with other Tame Your Brain® Academy members.
  • One "Hot Seat Coaching" session for a member per month for a full deep and personal reboot.